Wednesday, October 14, 2009

100 words- Rational

Rhthym and repetition are seen through out the Tetris design. Tetris is made up of the repetiton of large cube and rectangle shapeswhich are widely spread at the top and gradually becomes more dense in the middle which then slowly begins to desintergate and drop off at the bottom. Tetris is a space in which the small cubes and rectangles drop down around you creating the illusion that you are moving around within and out of the space dodging the falling objects. I have used bright contrasting colours as tetris games are usally made up of three colours.

Final Movie.....

Here is my final movie, had a few problems with my cameras but managed to get it finshed. Unfortunatly when i went to publish my movie it would only let me publish it at 8 not 18, but hopefully its ok.

Screen shots from Esperint Creator...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

100 words on design intentions...

I have continued to work with the design principle of rythm and repeititon building up a large cube type shape which is widley spread at the top and gradually becomes more dense in the middle which then slowly disintegrates at the bootom. I want to create a tetris type space where the small cubes and rectangles drop down around you creating the illusion that you are moving around within the space, dodging the falling objects. I have used contrasting colours, as tetris is usually made up of contarsting colours, the orange will act as a guide around the space to give a sense of direction.

Monday, September 14, 2009